Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Law of the Subconscious

So you've heard about "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction" but it's not working. Sure it is! It's working perfectly. The proof is in your life. Whatever you believe becomes your experience. The negative people you attract into your experience, the bills you keep coming up short for, your flailing health and love life: all products of your subconscious tape recording.
The problem most people experience when they first learn about the Law of Attraction is that they try to change their conscious thinking. You can spend every moment of every day repeating over and over in your mind, "I'm an abundant person" and still the experience you are having is that of poverty consciousness. Trying to change the conscious mind is on par with talking to a tape recording that is playing back and expecting it to record what you are saying. But you haven't pressed the record button so your attempt to change your life by changing your thoughts is literally futile.
What can you do? You have to learn how to press the record button before submitting the changes you would like to see in your external world. Your reality is literally a reflection of what thoughts are playing back. You are very likely not even aware of what your subconscious thoughts are. They were recorded into your subconscious between the ages of 0 and 5-ish when your brain was in a constant state of having the record button on. That state is called the Alpha state which is like a daydream but with mental capacities and awareness. During this state, everything you hear is recorded and stored in that part of your mind that literally creates your reality.
Normal waking consciousness, which is known as the Beta state, is not even entered until the age of 5 or so. Because of this, everything you were told as a child is stored there and creating the life you have now. Many people who are not happy with their current circumstances were told they were worthless or this was expressed through neglect or sometimes abuse. Probably many of us also heard that money was hard to come by and you have to work hard to get it or that true love only happens in fairytales. Whatever the issue is that you want to change, there is a negative thought stored in the subconscious that is the culprit. Most people can not develop self confidence because they cannot develop self love. We can't accept ourselves because we were told our behaviors were unacceptable.
The good news is, you can chance your subconscious tape recording and you can change your life! In the subconscious, all things are possible. Your health, your outer world and what you attract is all being created there. All you have to do is push the record button and set your intentions and your life will begin to transform.
Here's where I come in. When I work with a client, I first do an energetic scan of the body and find out where the person is block. I then use a light hypnotic suggestion to relax them into a state where I can reset the subconscious tape recordings.
A recent client came to me with a lack of direction. He wanted assistance figuring out what he should do next in his life. During the body scan I found a block in his hip. I asked if there was pain there he said recently a lot of pain had been coming and going for no explainable reason. The hip is related to a lack of ability to move forward or nothing to move forward to. Every part of the body is related to an outer world expression. For example, liver problems represent anger at the father. Most people have anger at one or both parents and this has to be resolved to get forward momentum.
We discussed the possibility of not needing to know what was coming up next and we set the intention for having clarity at all times and choosing to live in the now instead of the future. His fear of the future has resolved. No more hip troubles.
Many people want to lose weight or get healthy but their eating habits are related to stored subconscious patterns. Almost everyone in America can benefit from releasing unhealthy eating habits. I empower my clients who want to set health intentions with raw food classes. Eating healthy raises your personal vibration and also makes it easier to set and hold positive intentions. My own intuition and ability to assist others has increased greatly from adopting an earth loving, living food diet. All my services are available in Anchorage and online through my website:

Crystal Hutchens M.I. (multi-functional inspirationalist) is an energy hypno-therapist, author of "Crystalism-Why We Die and How We Can Stop" and host of the youtube vlog "Ask a Crystal Child" a free service to humanity to assist the planetary awakening and evolution of mankind. She can be reached at for consultations.

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