Hello Crystal,
I write to you because I fear I may be in trouble. For about the last couple of weeks I've been experiencing some sporadic numbness in my feet and hands. Today, my hands have been going numb a lot. I am getting a bit concerned. I do
have high blood pressure, I do take meds which seem to be doing their job. I have also been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. Although, I haven't had 3 consequetive labs to confirm. Anyhow, I lost over 100 lbs. by going on a vegetarian diet. About 4 months ago I started eating bread and beef, for financial reasons. I have since gained 35 lbs. I also don't exercise like I should. I realize I most likely have a narrow view on detox compared to yourself, so that is my question: I thought about doing a liver cleanse. I'm not sure if there is something similar called a kidney cleanse. I'm not sure to what extent I may be experiencing dehydration. I don't know to what extent exercise may help along the detox process. I think I'm gonna try to google and see how often I should be exercising each day. I think I read a statistic that if you sit for more than 4 hours a day you put yourself at risk for a heart attack. Anyhow, excuse the rant, I mostly would like for you to suggest to me a good detox regiment to begin with.
Hi Adam,
Right now I'm doing Markus Rothkranz (MarkusRothkranz.com)total cleanse...it's for the colon, liver and parasites...Since I do colonics a lot and the charconite is really hard on a woman's system (knocks out all the healthy bacteria and yeast gets the upper hand) in retrospect I would have just gotten the parasite and liver free--it's just herbs that kill parasites and herbs that flush the liver....I have looked around for kidney specific cleanses and never turned up with anything...fasting on fruit is always good or juice, and doing colonics--water fasting is the most healing but most people don't have the time it takes to put life on hold as your decline in energy prevents pretty much anything aside from lying in bed, but it's definitely the fastest and most effective and before summer is over I'll be finding the time for it...obviously we know bread and meat are clogging up the system, and since we only have one body, financial reasons are never good reasons to choose something...eventually you'll pay somehow, and most often with your health and some people pay with their life.
I'm not sure how expensive the total cleanse is, but this cleanse set I found of his is $119.00
I'm considering just ordering both his colon cleanse and liver cleanse:
Though, this charconite looks like it might be good for ex-smokers.
yes that's the one...but I would not leave out the parasite cleanse...parasites are usually bogging everyone down...the colon cleanse part of the set is really just to move out the dead stuff...the charconite is an intense cleanser and I would think it would be great for men, no delicate balance to worry about.
Yeah, I'll have to save up for that one. In the meantime, would it be a waste of my time to do the type of liver cleanse that consists of grapefruit juice/olive oil/epsom salts?
After doing some research, I've discovered that sitting more than an hour at a time means that "Enzymes that help break down fat drop 90%"
I've downloaded an app to my phone which will remind me once an hour to take a break from my sedentary lifestyle and exercise (or at least move about the house) for at least 5-10 minutes.
After Two Weeks of Sitting for More Than Six Hours a Day:
"After just two weeks your muscles start to atrophy and your maximum oxygen consumption drops. This makes stairs harder to climb and walks harder to take. Even if you were working out every day the deterioration starts the second you stop moving."
It's no wonder they say sitting is the new smoking! ;(
I've done the olive oil liver flush a few times, and I dont know if it's beneficial or not...it makes me sick, I always wake up in the night from that much bile being dumped into the system...it seems to defy logic, but honestly, who knows. The best thing you can do is colonics...give the liver a clear pathway to eliminate, and then eat lots of bitter greens, especially dandelion, to promote liver flushing...all that's in Markus liver blend is bitter herbs....you can at least do a quick parasite cleanse with black walnut hull, wormwood and clove, buy the tinctures, or there are some blends on the market. The first time I did a parasite cleanse was the first time I did a liver flush and I passed gazillions of hook worms. Markus's blend has some additional herbs for other kinds of parasites, but any stress you can take off the body is good. Definitely get oxygenated daily by getting some exercise outside.
Thanks, Crystal. Is there some specific colonics you might recommend?
? A colonic is flushing the colon with water, like an enema but lots more water for longer. I have a colema board but there are colon hydrotherapists everywhere.
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