weight: 95.8 temp: 97.7 (morning) 96.6 (afternoon)
-wow, day 10...a triumph in itself. Many people plan a 10 day water fast and get good results. I feel like to stop now would be more detrimental than any good it has done to come this far. The healing processes are in full effect and to halt them would be devastating. Though I do think the shorter fasts stretched over time are a good plan to adjust to fasting and prepare for the long one. I've done many 1 day water fasts in the past, a 6 day and a 7 day fast (plus a 14 day juice fast) all stretched between years. I don't see myself fasting again for a really long time after this.
-energy is low. walking to the bathroom and to get water is enough, though I managed a quick shower yesterday I think another one can wait till tomorrow ;)
-I passed a small amount of gas and it smelled like a rotting body of decay...I hope it's dead worms :)
-haven't had a headache in a while but the ring/buzzing in my head is strong at times. I wish I could explain what it's like but I can't think of anything to compare it to. It doesn't seem like tinitus because it's not really in my ears it's in the top and front of my head. It's really most noticable when I am trying to meditate.
-later in the day I get annoying hunger feelings. Fill the belly with water and dream of food. I have no real energy to do anything and no concentration to work on anything so I just lie around watching cooking shows savoring ideas for my cookbook interspersed with movies...it's all my mind is willing to do.
-nothing major to report. I'm glad day 10 is almost over :)
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